Black Friday Day of Action to Support MAF Workers

On Black Friday, join AFSCME at Guess stores around the country to tell the Marciano family to respect workers' rights, reopen the Marciano Art Foundation (MAF), reinstate their workers and recognize their union.

Just in time for the holidays, the MAF laid off Visitor Services staff only four days after they filed their union petition to organize. The next day, the Marcianos closed the whole museum, indicating that they would rather cut and run on their obligations to the community rather than address employees' concerns. 

A week later, they continue to hold private tours and events at MAF.

MAF workers need our help and solidarity. We are going to Guess stores to show the Marcianos that they are not above the law.

Join us at Guess stores to demand that the Marcianos:

  • Reopen MAF
  • Reinstate MAF workers
  • Recognize their union


Guess Again! Black Friday Picket

Cambridge - Guess Cambridgeside Galleria

100 Cambridgeside Place Suite 227

Cambridge, MA 02141

10a.m. - 12 p.m.

Contact: David Nagle (508) 663-6000 or [email protected]