Council 93 VMOs Travel to San Antonio

Last week, Council 93 President Charlie Owen, Executive Board Member Kelly Abreu, and Local 24 President Mary O’Brien traveled to San Antonio, TX with AFSCME Volunteer Member Organizers (VMOs) from around the country. The VMOs braved the Texas summer heat to talk to hundreds of City of San Antonio workers about the benefits of AFSCME membership and having a seat at the table! 

VMOs are a dedicated force of AFSCME members who inspire, lead and encourage by volunteering on campaigns in their own backyard or wherever workers are organizing. They help workers organize a union forthe first time, work on political campaigns to elect worker-friendly candidates and sign up and activate new members in AFSCME locals. VMOs make a difference by empowering workers to win respect and a voice on the job.

  • Do you want to build a powerful voice for working people?
  • Are you willing to volunteer?

If the answer is YES, complete a brief questionnaire about becoming a Volunteer Member Organizer.