Council Plays Active Role in AFSCME's Next Wave Conference 07/24/2011

A delegation of Council 93 staff and members recently attended the union’s 2nd Next Wave Conference in Atlanta.  A three-day intensive event held earlier this month, the conference provided attendees with the information and tools needed to effectively combat the corporate-funded, right-wing attacks on working families and their unions. 

Joined by more than 600 of their young union brothers and sisters from across the nation, the group participated in a broad-range of workshops and discussion groups.  They also joined International Secretary-Treasurer Lee Saunders in a demonstration against HB87, an anti-immigration bill, which Saunders called, “a hate law – plain and simple.” 

Attendees also heard from International President Gerald McEntee who announced the formation of a national Next Wave Advisory Committee to be comprised of young rank and file members from across the nation.

The Next Wave is a five-year-old network of AFSCME members age 35 and under who are taking action to recruit, engage and motivate young members to step up and carry on the AFSCME legacy that previous generations worked so hard to build. With approximately thirteen percent of AFSCME’s 1.6 million members currently in the 35-and-under age group, these members’ voices ideas and concerns deserve and need to be heard. 

For more information on this innovative and exciting initiative visit the Next Wave page on the International Union website.