Welcome to Council 93 McLean Nurses and MHSs!

"It’s official!! The Nurses, Mental Health Specialists and other dedicated healthcare professionals at McLean Hospital voted to join the AFSCME Council 93 family!!
“We are proud to welcome the more than 700 dedicated nurses, mental health specialists and other dedicated professionals at McLean Hospital to our AFSCME Council 93 Family. We faced strong and well-documented opposition from management, but these dedicated healthcare professionals had the courage to endure the battle. In doing so, they have laid a solid foundation for improving patient care, creating a safer workplace, and building a brighter economic future for themselves and their families. We are delighted that the women and men who have made McLean a nationally-renowned hospital, will now be represented by one of the oldest and most effective unions in the country.”
Mark Bernard, Executive Director
AFSCME Council 93